Monday, January 28, 2008

Sista Love

Sista loved
Sista loved being loved
Sista loved loving loved ones in need of love
Sista loved loving those that love forgot

Sista loved children
Sista had a bunch of children
Sista’s children had children
Sista taught and took care of her children and her children’s children
Sista surrounded herself with children of all ages, ethnicities, abilities, and denominations

Cause Sista loved to listen
Sista loved listening to the words of those seldom heard
Sista would sit and listen, think, respond with wisdom aged and steeped in worldly study and experience, think some more then lay on one the heaviest most simple thoughts that one could ever receive

Cause this sista was gifted
Blessed with the gift of teaching teachers to trust and teach themselves
And Sista gave her gifts willingly and unselfishly
Sista spoke her mind and stood strong on her beliefs
Sista was strong

Sista loved sports
Sista loved sipping a brew and watching the game like one of the guys in the gang
Sista loved talking about the NFL, NBA, NCAA
Sista knew more about sports than most men do
Sista since you’re up there could you say a few words for my Giants next week I know you’ll be watching the Super Bowl

Sista loved life
Sista loved living and giving her all to those in need
Sista was a gift to our communities
Sista loved planting seeds
Sista would nurture seeds and plants give love to those in need of that love nutrition getting her work together for the harvest

Sista will be remembered and her work continued cause

Sista loved
Sista loved being loved
Sista loved loving loved ones in need of love
Sista loved loving those that love forgot
Sista we love you

Written by Carlton Turner in memory of Sista Nayo Watkins

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